These parrots are endangered because of the destruction of their habitat and because people want them as pets.

Along with the Chimpanzee, the endangered Bonobo is the closest surviving relative to humans.

These primates are nocturnal and also known as Nagapies which means 'little night monkeys' in Afrikaans.

These reptiles will attack and eat almost anything but they are also extremely caring and gentle parents.

80% of the fish found in the Congo river are found nowhere else in the world.

One of the deadliest African rainforest snakes, hunting in both trees and on the forest floor for rodents and other small mammals.

This African species is the only insect known to actually attack and devour humans!

Often referred to as the 'Forest Giraffe', Okapi numbers have halved in the last 15 years and they are now considered endangered.

The most dangerous fly on earth. They feed on the blood of animals and humans, transmitting parasites which can cause fatal diseases such as sleeping sickness.