The loudest land animal on earth with a call that can be heard almost 5 kilometres away.

These insects can carry almost 10 times their own weight! They live in huge underground colonies of up to many millions of ants.

These birds have huge talons and are capable of preying upon mammals as large as sloths and monkeys in the rainforest canopy.

The biggest predator in South America, growing to be almost 6 metres long. They live near the rivers and streams of the Amazon river and will eat fish, turtles, birds and sometimes larger mammals.

The Amazon is home to 1 million Indians. They are divided into about 400 tribes, each with their own language, culture and territory.

A carnivorous fish with razor sharp teeth, growing up to 30 centimetres. If they school together they can attack small mammals. Amazon natives use their teeth as cutting tools.

Able to produce a 600-volt electric shock. With age, the strength of the fish's electric shock increases.

Greyish brown, but at times they look green in colour because they move so slowly that tiny algae grows all over their coats. Mother Sloths give birth to babies upside down!

Reaching over 11 metres in length, they will often hunt by submerging all but their nostrils in the water and then waiting for prey.