Starting as a project with Sefton Public Health and primary schools located within air quality management areas (AQMAs) in 2019, the online resource has been continuously updated.
The website provides access for schools to a plethora of topic based interactive teaching resources all supporting core curriculum learning objectives, enabling their pupils to explore current environmental issues that impact on their lives, now and in the future. All the teachers’ resources are supported by interactive activities on the website and parents can also sign up for home learning activities.
The project was expanded to over 400 primary schools across the Liverpool City region in 2021 and to schools in South Ribble Borough Council in 2023 as part of their climate emergency response.
The project is currently being developed further to support KS3/4 engagement.
Coasts for Kids
A series of five videos narrated by school children in Sefton. The series is designed to empower teacher and pupils to understand the often complex language used in coastal science, in the hope that they will develop a greater awareness and interest in the challenges facing the world’s coastlines from an early age.
Developed in partnership with Edge Hill University, the projects has attracted global attention from across the international coastal community.

Starting as a project with Sefton Public Health and primary schools located within air quality management areas (AQMAs), www.cleanaircrew.co.uk was launched in in 2019.
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Working with the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority, we designed and developed digital interactive games to raise awareness of the issues surrounding waste management and the need to reduce the amount of being sent to landfill.
The games were developed based on the funders key messages, with emphasis on the energy, water and transport footprint of everyday items.
The games are available to play in the public area of the Eco Centre.
Sefton Travel App
We engaged high schools and colleges in a project to design a smartphone/tablet app to enable easier access to sustainable and public transport for school/college leavers planning their routes to further education, work and other opportunities.
During the project students attended workshops and developed a wide range of transferable skills applicable to the job market. Funded though the Department for Transpor, the completed app also include a step counter, carbon emissions monitor, updates on traffic & weather and a custom playlist generator.

Down the Drain
Funded by United Utilities, this project saw new resources being created to support classroom workshops looking at surface water flooding and the predicted increase of the issue due to climate change.
These included the design of giant board game and pumps in our eco garden allowing children to conduct their own experiments with water and different surfaces.
Working with Sefton Council's Coastal Defence team we produced a topic based, educational resource on the dynamic subjects of climate and coastal change.
The resource won the North West Coastal Forum Best Practice award at the SUSTAIN international conference, a project aimed to develop a Europe-wide approach to coastal sustainability.